大金說 : 實體黃金終會在貨幣體制崩壞下發光發熱!!!
版主:有很多人說黃金白銀不是貨幣,如果有一天這些人發現自己銀行的紙幣帳戶幾小時內跌10%,三天貶值1/3 .不知道他們還會不會說黃金不是貨幣?
02 Oct 2012
Iran threatens to turn 'security' on speculators following currency drop
Iran's regime threatened to turn the "security services" on speculators when the national currency plunged by 10 per cent against the US dollar in the space of a few hours. In total, the Iranian rial has lost almost a third of its value since Sunday.
[轉貼2011-12-23 12:11:08] 唉,伊朗人連夜排隊買金幣,交了錢4個月後才能提貨-故事總是這樣重演
原文網址連結 :http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!ek8_sO6eFRP40o.CuFM-/article?mid=24193&prev=-1&next=24191